5th – 6th December 2024
Thrusting Towards Tomorrow: Exploring New Space Propulsion


Honorary Patronage:

Conference topics:

Space propulsion systems (including solid, liquid and hybrid rocket engines and motors, space electric propulsion, components and system level considerations)

Green propellants (including development, handling, testing and utilization of environmentally friendly propellants)

Propulsion systems for suborbital and orbital vehicles’, small satellites, large spacecraft platforms and exploration missions

Test facilities for rocket engines, assembly, integration and verification of infrastructure for rocket and spacecraft propulsion

Numerical modeling of rocket engines and motors,

Other topics related to space propulsion design, development or applications.

About conference

Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Aviation, Polish Academy of Sciences and Warsaw University of Technology have a pleasure to invite you to the 13th Development Trends in Space Propulsion Systems Conference.

The conference represents a continuation of the series of successful events held in previous years. It provides an ideal opportunity to gain insight into the latest developments in the Polish and international space industry. The primary objective is to advance research in the field of space technologies and to inspire the resolution of challenges inherent to this fascinating domain.

The conference is aimed at scientists, researchers and industry representatives engaged in the field of space technologies, with a particular focus on propulsion systems. Furthermore, it offers an invaluable opportunity for students and young scientists to engage with more experienced researchers, facilitating the dissemination of their research, ideas and achievements.

In the name of organizers I have a pleasure to invite you to the Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Aviation on 5th-6th December, 2024 to this magnificent event.

Paweł Stężycki
Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Aviation

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Professor Piotr Wolanski
Passed Away

It is with great regret that we inform you that Professor Piotr Wolański, the originator and creator of the conference, has passed away. Professor Wolański was a world-renowned expert in the field of space technologies, a mentor for many generations of students and space scientists.

Our most heartfelt condolences and sympathy to Professor Wolański’s family and friends.

gallery from the past

Previous years

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